Fixed in V89: Description of Poison Exploit is wrong in Spanish

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Samsung s20fe

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問題の詳細/Issue Details

How does the poison exploit skill work? I use it and see that the poison causes the same damage as without the skill.

Thank you for reaching out.

We would like to let you know that “Poison Exploit” will increase the damage done by weapons if the monsters are inflicted with poison instead of the poison damage itself. However, please let us know if the weapon damage doesn’t increase when the monsters are poisoned.

If you have any other concerns, feel free to let us know.

I see, in that case the description of the ability in Spanish is wrong, since it implies that the poison causes more damage

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Thank you for your response.

The information you have provided has been shared with the development team for further investigation. If there is any additional information we can share on this, we’ll do so on this Forum.

Do feel free to post on the Forum if you’ve noticed anything else.
Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.

The issue has been fixed in v89, so please kindly update the app.

If the issue persists, please let us know in this thread.
Thank you for your report.