改善要望は上のプルダウンメニューから改善カテゴリーをお選びください/Please select Improvements Category from the pull down menu above for submitting suggestions
携帯端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*
アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*
問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring
ごく稀/Very rare
問題の詳細/Issue Details
Dear friends, have you ever experienced losing important items? Maybe you pressed the wrong button and lost it!
その他の情報/Other Information
And what bug are you experiencing
Thank you for reaching out.
If you have accidently deleted materials, please contact us via the in-app support so that we can check whether we can return them.
*Please know that we may not be able to return the materials depending on the conditions
- Open [Contact Support] and select [Seasons, Hunting, Crafting]
- Select [Other Gameplay Question]
- Select [Hunting issues that does not apply to the above] and let us know the details of the issue
Thank you for your understanding.