Communication error forced hunt failure screen after successfully defeating monster

モバイル端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*

iPhone 15 Pro

アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*


問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring

ごく稀/Very rare

問題の詳細/Issue Details

After completing a hunt against a paintballed monster in a party of two players, I received an error message about a problem in the communication status. Despite the other party member being able to see the rewards screen, my phone’s screen only showed the “Failed” cutscene.

When I tried to go back to hunt the monster via the paintball menu, I received an error message stating that the monster had already been hunted, and then it was removed from my list.

I am actually not sure if I received any rewards from the hunt or not, since I don’t remember the exact count of Banbaro parts I had prior to completing the hunt.

Hi @SgtAngel777 Sorry to know that you experienced trouble after slaying the Paintball Monster. For a smooth gameplay experience, we’d suggest you follow the steps mentioned in our Troubleshooting Guide:

That being said, please contact us via In-app support so that we can assist you better. Thanks!

I have experience these communication link error several times, hunting in a party. It is rather random.
At times, when the hunt started and I got kicked out of the group hunt, sometimes during the hunt and sometimes at the end of the hunt.
Although I am not sure if I got the rewards for hunt when the error happened at the end of the hunt, but the monster on my map is no longer there, and I am not able to tell if I got any rewards for it.