v78で調整済:狩猟開始時の初期位置/ Adjusted in v78: Distance between monster and hunter

@here ご報告ありがとうございます。また当不具合で想定より時間がかかっており申し訳ございません。現在調整内容をテスト中で、問題がなければ次のクライアントリリースv75で調整内容が反映される見込みです。調整が反映されるまで、既知の不具合として掲載いたしましたので、ご確認ください。

Thank you for your report. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the delay in addressing this issue. We are currently testing the adjustments, and if everything goes smoothly, the changes will be implemented in the next client release, v75. Until the adjustments are applied, please be aware that this issue is listed as a known issue as above. Thank you for your understanding and patience.