エクストリームハンターパスの販売について/The notice about Extreme Hunter Pass

English Follows After Japanese

2月1日午前9時(日本時間)から販売予定だった「エクストリームハンターパス」について、Web Storeで一時的に販売されておりましたが現在は取り下げています。



※「2月のイベントのお知らせ」で当初ご案内した日付が現地時間となっていましたが、正しくは2月1日午前9時(日本時間) となります。



Extreme Hunter Pass that was scheduled to be released on February 1st at 0:00 AM(UTC), was temporarily available on the Web Store, but has now been removed.
We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

The Extreme Hunter Pass is scheduled to go on sale on February 1st at 0:00 AM (UTC).

The date originally announced in the “February Event Announcement” was in local time, but the correct date is February 1st at 0:00 AM (UTC).

For those who purchased the Extreme Hunter Pass before 0:00 AM (UTC) on February 1st, the daily quest benefits will start from tomorrow, February 1st at 0:00 AM (local time), so we are planning to take action for the affected users.
*Other benefits are applicable.

We will contact the hunters who have purchased the pass individually regarding the details of the action to be taken, so please wait for a while.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.