Stuck in the desert biome

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Pixel 8 pro. Android 14

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問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring


問題の詳細/Issue Details

Why do we have biome exclusive monsters when the biome refuses to change? Out of the bubbling event with Mizutsune, my neighborhood has been a desert for 4 days in a row, with one day of forest that had a maybe 3 Mizutsune spawn all day, and back to desert again. Is there really no way to make the biomes rotate properly during biome specific events?

その他の情報/Other Information

This is something you have to fix on your side

Thanks for reporting that you are getting the desert habitat for multiple days.

Please know that the specific habitat that appears upon switching is randomly determined. As a result, the same habitat may persist for several days.

However, we’ll share your message with our team as a feedback. Feel free to reach out again if you have any further ideas, queries, or anything else to say about your experience playing the game.

Thank you for your understanding.

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LMAO this is absolutely a non answer. Random… So the random coincidentally keeps you in the only biome without the special event spawn only when the event is on? I’m sorry but I just don’t believe that. That’s either poor coding or something intentional.


This is fundamentally a game revolving around exploration.

You want something different from your immediate vicinity? Get out and move around. If you can’t, then that’s too bad. If you don’t want to, then that’s on you.

I didn’t buy the Nightshade event ticket until I’ve confirmed the habitat for the first day, and I had my fill with it. Second day, it was mostly non-forest in my town, and I just focus on Mizu and the tons of other monsters available every 30 minutes. If the first day had not been a forest, I would not have bought the ticket and would have just played normally.

And, since there are only 3 types of habitat, each habitat has equal 1/3 chance of being the chosen habitat each day. It’s really not difficult to get the same habitat over several days. Heck, on the first day of the Nightshade event, about 9 grids around me were all Forests. That’s as good as having the same grid being forest for 9 days. That’s just how the RNG goes. It doesn’t favour anything, given that the chances are all equal. It simply rolls a die everyday and you get what you see. They do not compensate or adjust for habitat history.

This is fundamentally a game revolving around exploration. Don’t expect much features that allow you to stay in a spot for extended periods of time.


Who said anything around staying in a spot? I’m talking everything in my area was desert. The only non desert areas during that period was private property or unreachable areas. Exploring is fun and all, but just like the people stuck when it snows, I’m not going to be hiking for 2 city blocks in 115°+ weather just to hope I hot a different biome. Driving to hunt is defeating the purpose of the game. Also when I did run errands, most of those “squares” happened to be desert as well. My complaint revolves around the fact that it seems to coincidental to be RNG. During those days, when I was stuck in the desert biome, it was approximately 2 biomes in any direction around my “home” biome (except that unreachable area that was a swamp once. It’s a water treatment plant). There was no “immediate vicinity” involved. I love this game, but it doesn’t feel good to see bugs like that get defended as purely RNG. There should be a way to code no more than 3 days being the same biome.


You can try writing a simple spreadsheet with a =RANDBETWEEN(1,3) formula in a cell, then copy/paste the same formula to as many cells as you like, perhaps as many grids as the area you’re speaking of, then select an empty cell and press Del key and note the pattern of this area generated by the RNG each time you press delete.

You can colour-code the cells with Conditional Formatting so that 1 is green (forest), 2 is purple (swamp), and 3 is yellow (desert; or whatever colours you want) for better visualisation.

At any rate, I’m not here to fight. I’m just laying out the things as it is, and I’m not saying that I agree or disagree, unless I mentioned it specifically. I did make a suggestion in another’s topic, among the countless ones like yours, but I don’t expect things to change any time soon.

Anyways, please try out the spreadsheet scenario I suggested above. Make it a 10x10 grid so that you can see the bigger picture, then imagine your home grid is in one of them cells, and see how the RNG plays out. Iterate through a hundred times at least and count how many times the habitat pattern was “not to your favour”.

RNG doesn’t care about individual situations, unless there are condition logics written specifically for it, which makes it not exactly RNG anymore. But they did not write any logics for it because it has to be fair to everyone regardless of their situation. That’s just how it is.

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I stuck in the desert 10 days in a row. if it’s really random, the probability is 0.0000169.


I empathise with you, but it’s a non-zero probability, so it’s not impossible.

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Just dropping additional information from yet another event. The biome in my home area changed to swamp on the 22nd, it just changed again to: swamp. We have an event where the featured creature spawns in 2 of 3 biomes, and my home area for blocks is swamp. I do play and travel around, but I would hope that at least one day of the even to be something other than the biome that doesn’t have the featured monster. 4 days now. 4 rotations and all have been swamp. There is no way this is random and others have reported similar issues. When will this be fixed? I wouldn’t mind perhaps 2 days in a row, but 3? Can’t the code for biome change include something to check for “if more than 2 days, then not the same biome”?

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It is possible. Technically it’s just 33.33% chance (1/3) every day to be something. Each day’s habitat is determined independently from the previous days, therefore it is imprecise to think of “past few days have been X, the next day can’t be X” because the past history has no impact on future rolls.

Example of 30 rolls:

I certainly support this. I mentioned in another post of such topic that it’d be great if a habitat has occurred in a grid for two days in a row, that habitat ought to have lower chance of occurring again for each passing day that it still remains the same, until there’s zero chance for it (and therefore 50-50 is one of the other 2 habitat types). I think this would help alleviate some of the pain points.

However, do note that this game is based on the real world, so as you complain that the habitat types are not to your favour, it may be favourable to others who play elsewhere. After the change, it may or may not become favourable to you and to other players too.

For example, suppose that your usual areas of play had been Forest for 3 days in a row. Under the proposed mechanism, it becomes more unlikely to remain as a Forest for the 4th day onward. On the 5th day, it becomes Desert, but that is also the day a new event starts and the monster you desire appears only in the Forest. Then, the RNG may still put you on Desert or Swamp for the better part of the week and still not give you a Forest. Will you accept that this is merely the product of the algorithm that you proposed and that your usual areas of play simply won’t work and you have to venture elsewhere to play?

I much preferred it when it was strict rotation. At least that way I could plan in which direction to go during my breaks in order to find swamp, Legiana and Earth Crystal.

If it can be coded for strict RNG instead of strict rotation, it can also be coded to halve the likelihood of being the same on the previous day.

Forest today? 16.66% likelihood of being forest tomorrow, with 41.66% likelihood of being swamp and 41.66% likelihood of being desert.

Still forest tomorrow? 8.33% likelihood of being forest on the third day, and so on. The biome changes to something different? Probability resets to 33%. Or the new biome now takes over on the sliding scale.

It really would be no harder than pure RNG and actually do something positive for the exploration, because you still have to explore, but it increases the randomness of the biome in any given direction being different to what it was yesterday.

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I enjoyed the strict rotation too, especially for the planning part. I’ve seen players plan their activities around the predicted habitats during events and they went for the areas where multiple grids share the same rotation, and I thought that was great.

But things probably went stale when the habitat rotation doesn’t change, so maybe this current implementation?

There are advantages to the current implementation, being that if today’s habitat in an area is what I want, I know that I have a 33.33% chance that it will still be the same habitat tomorrow and the subsequent days. However, this is a double-edged sword, since there’s also the 66.66% chance that it will not be the same, and I accept this risk for the possibility of having the same habitat again next day. When I do encounter the situation where it’s consecutive days of not having the habitat I want, I simply move to the other grids to hunt. Of course, regional differences come in, since not everyone can do the same where they live in, but then geolocation games have always been like this: it’s the same as the real world—never equal for everyone.

Ok. I’ll bite and assume that everything you mentioned is 100% correct. My main gripe, I suppose, is that events can lock someone out of the event in their main area. I know that I usually have a pretty set schedule and set tasks that have to be done during the day. I am able to travel for quite a bit, but I can’t always go walk 30 to 40 minutes out of the way. It would just be nice if there was a way to ensure that everyone gets an actual taste of the event. Lastly, while I appreciate your charts and explanations, that last part about venturing out of my area comes across as presumptuous and condescending. I’m not offended, but I do feel it necessary to add that at no point did I mean to imply I am static during the day. I travel across my town at least once a day and I often am out running errands for hours. The implication that I sit in my area doing nothing adds nothing of value to your otherwise well thought out response. In spite of that, I thank you for your efforts, and will consider the issue resolved. I asked for odds, and odds you gave me.

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Sorry, I didn’t mean to assume you’re static the whole day. I just didn’t have other information to work with, and I thought it shouldn’t be too difficult for you to enjoy the event if you had been out and about.

I don’t know the exact situation you’re in, so I took some liberty with the assumptions.

But I believe I can understand how you feel. My home and office grids had been mostly swamps since the beginning of Season 3. I think I only saw 2 forests and 3 deserts between the 2 grids in total. My consolation is that I take the train to and from work for 2 days a week, so I can hunt a bit while the train takes me through the different grids. But most of the time there are no spawns within access range of the train stations here, so I can barely hunt much.

At one point I was stuck on getting 3 large monster kills in the desert for a couple of days, and that was just the story quest :joy:

My place is always desert during event! Last week zinogre event, there were 3 days desert and this week coral pukei too since today wednesday. Previous coral pukei had 5 days desert in a row, I only able to hunt for 2 days!