Is the biome rotation working?

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毎回/Every time

問題の詳細/Issue Details

I’m not sure where to post this, but is the biome rotation working? This has been my area’s rotation since the new season began:

12/12 desert
12/13 desert
12/14 swamp
12/15 desert
12/16 forest
12/17 swamp
12/18 desert
12/19 swamp
12/20 forest
12/21 swamp
12/22 forest
12/23 forest
12/24 desert
12/25 desert
12/26 swamp
12/27 desert
12/28 swamp
12/29 swamp
12/30 swamp

Notice that there is not one instance of a tundra in TWENTY days.
Is this a case of being truly random, or is this a bug?

Thank you for reaching out.

We’ve checked this with the development team and confirmed that there is no issue with the habitat rotation. Please know that the specific habitat that appears upon switching is randomly determined. As a result, the same habitat may persist for several days.

However, we’ll share your message with our team as a feedback. Feel free to reach out again if you have any further ideas, queries, or anything else to say about your experience playing the game.

Thank you for your understanding.

If you look at the probabilities, since it’s RNG, any of the habitat technically has a 25% chance of occurring, or 75% chance of not occurring.

Since it’s RNG, not like the fixed rotation in the past, it is possible to not have a particular habitat occur for a particular grid.

While it looks incredibly unlikely to not get at least one occurrence in that many days you’ve tracked, but since the probabilities don’t change based on historical occurrences, each day the Tundra habitat has a 75% chance of not occurring, and that’s what you got there.

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I completely understand the fact that there is the possibility of never getting an area, always getting an area or somewhere in between.

Yes, you are correct, but it also works the same way in reverse for the other three biomes. Theoretically, they should all have the same chance of spawning. Of course, this all depends on how they choose to randomize the biomes. We are both speculating that there is a one-in-four chance of this happening but maybe it’s different.

Surprisingly, the day after posting this, it was the tundra.:joy: However, that has been the one and only time.

Anyway, my point stands. It’s frustrating.

I won’t dispute the part about frustration. I only seek to hopefully steer you away from the frustration :sweat_smile:

Well, it’s a Niantic game, and their games have always been focused on exploration (i.e. go out and travel around).

It’s just unfortunate that you’re playing in grids that don’t rotate in your favour, but everyone share the same world, and everyone’s needs change at different points in time, so while you may want tundra, there are others who don’t want tundra. If both of you play in the same grids at the same time while having opposing needs, both your needs will cancel out each other, and no one system can satisfy either of you unless it is RNG in equal probabilities and let entropy decide who gets what they want, just like the material drops.