携帯端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*
Android 14
アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*
問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring
問題の詳細/Issue Details
Losing hunts and getting the above error message. Kicks all members out. Often can’t join. Happens about every other hunt. Will stop new hunts stating another hunter is fighting that monster. Both world and marked monsters.
その他の情報/Other Information
Full bars 5G mobile. Full bars wifi with 1GB download. 980 Mb down speed test results. Area internet connections are without issue. Only MHN. Pokemon Go no issues, either.
Sorry to hear that you are experiencing connectivity issues. If your device fully meets the requirements for supported devices , performing the following actions may help mitigate performance issues.:
- Restart your device
- Reinstall the app
- Disable apps running in the background
- Set the app’s graphics quality to ‘Low’ in the settings
- Download all assets in the settings
- Update your device’s OS
- Use other connection (Wi-Fi)
- (Android) Update Google Play Store / Google Developer Services
- (If the device is hot) Take a break from playing to cool down the device
Let us know if you continue to experience trouble!
None of that was relevant. All of it was done before and after reporting the issue. It has not improved to this day.
Uninstalling MHNow.
I will not waste time on Niantic period going forward.
I have suggestions to avoid similar situations in future, however I will share them as well as Niantic supports the IP entrusted to them.