hulp gevraagd

Hallo medejagers, ik heb wat vragen waarvan ik hoop dat jullie die kunnen beantwoorden: Ik ben nu level 33 (bezig met Chapter 7) en weet echt niet meer wat ik moet doen (monsters doden, natuurlijk, maar verder???)
Bijvoorbeeld armor: is het nou handig om verschillende soorten armor te hebben? Ik heb nu hoofd en schouders van Anjanath, armbanden van Barroth, gordel van Pukei en broek van Girros, gewoon omdat dat de hoogste score had, maar is dat slim???
Dan wapens: door de Chapter volgorde en de Beast-serie, heb ik nu een Bone Gunlance 3 die 515 schade doet en een MrBeast Sword & Shield 3 die 517 schade doet, maar allebei doen ze geen water/bliksem/etc. schade. en alle andere wapens komen niet hoger dat 175 schade maximaal. Moet ik investeren in wapens met waterschade enzo? is het handig om van elke element soort een wapen te hebben? En hoe lang duurt het dan om die wapens ook op niveau drie te krijgen?
Nou ja, en ik forge nu ook alles wat ik kan maken, maar is dat wel slim???

[Ik ben Japans en dit artikel maakt gebruik van Google.]

Sorry, ik vergat het je te vertellen.
Japans of Engels lijkt de voorkeurstaal voor deze gemeenschap te zijn.
Als je het met Google enz. naar het Engels vertaalt, krijg je meer reacties (je kunt het natuurlijk hier vertalen, maar de mensen die het zullen lezen nadat het vertaald is, zijn waarschijnlijk in de minderheid…)

Sorry, I thought it was translated automatically as the rest of the site is also automatically translated:

Hello fellow hunters, I have some questions that I hope you can answer: I’m now level 33 (working on Chapter 7) and I really don’t know what to do anymore (kill monsters, of course, but beyond that???)
For example, armor: is it useful to have different types of armor? I now have head and shoulders from Anjanath, bracelets from Barroth, belt from Pukei and pants from Girros, just because that had the highest score, but is that smart???
Then weapons: Due to the Chapter order and the Beast series, I now have a Bone Gunlance 3 that does 515 damage and a MrBeast Sword & Shield 3 that does 517 damage, but neither does water/lightning/etc. damage. and all other weapons do not exceed 175 damage maximum. Should I invest in weapons with water damage and such? is it useful to have a weapon of each element type? And how long will it take to get those weapons to level three?
Well, and I now forge everything I can make, but is that smart???

is there some beginners guide i could use, or do i just have to be patient and go through the chapters??

I am Japanese and this article uses Google.

I’m sorry if I can only guide you, so I’ll answer some questions.

This game is structured around walking, hunting monsters and collecting materials to create weapons and armor, and then using the weapons and armor you create to take on even stronger monsters.

“Weapon”: The story you are progressing in has a role like a tutorial, and when you encounter a monster that acts as a wall, you can easily hunt it by challenging it with a weapon that has the attribute that is the monster’s weakness. (Example: Anjanath’s weakness is water attribute)
If you haven’t encountered a monster that becomes a wall in the story, you can continue as is.

“Armor”: Armor reduces the damage you receive, but what is noteworthy is that each armor has its own skills.
By using specific armor in combination, you will be able to hunt monsters easily.
Let me tell you a little bit about which skills to choose.
Look for armor with skills that enhance fire, water, lightning, and ice attributes.
They will further strengthen weapons with the corresponding attributes.
Most of them are important for continuing the game, and everyone can make armor, so it’s a good idea to make them as a priority (of course, make sure you have weapons that have the attributes to take advantage of them)

``Finally’': It’s no exaggeration to say that the best part of this game is creating various weapons and armor.
Don’t be afraid to fail and create what you want to create.
All you have to do is collect the materials again. Let’s do it patiently


Adding on to this reply, I have to say you definitely need to be patient. I also want to agree and say part of the fun is creating different armour sets to support the different elemental weapons.
In terms of how long it takes to level up weapons and armour, it really depends on where you play.
I live in a small town where I cannot see any large gathering nodes from my house. If I walk 45 minutes around my neighbourhood, I can get to 2 large gathering nodes.
My friend lives in a larger city. He can see 5 or 6 large gathering nodes from his house. He walks 45 min and can get to 10 or more large gathering nodes.
My rate of levelling up was severely limited by needing Earth Crystal, Monster bone +, and Carpenter bug. I always have enough Zenny and at later stages, refining parts.
My friend has plenty of materials and keeps getting limited by not enough Zenny.

I’ve seen some videos on youtube with a really good player defeating high level monsters using the Mr Beast sword and shield. There are definitely some raw weapons and supporting armour that can get you far using raw builds. So, it depends what you want to do.

Also, think what play style you want. Maybe forge one of each weapon type and try out on lower star monsters to get a feel of the play styles. When you invest in elements, I’d say you want to have settled on a weapon type. It is costly in terms of materials to switch weapon types after heavily levelling up on one weapon type. I had levelled up Sword and Shield for all elements to G7.5, but then struggled on some 8* monsters. That was when I made the decision to switch to Long Sword, and it took me so long to get all elements to G7.5 and now beyond. But it’s been fun.

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