Higher level monsters for lower level players.

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問題の詳細/Issue Details

We’re noticing that a friend of ours is a lower level than us and receiving 7 stars 8 star monsters when out round. But when we go out the same places, we only receive 5 and 6 star monsters, I was wondering if anyone else is having this problem.

When you say lower level do you mean in terms of HR, or map level? Spawns are affected by your map level (determined by what star story you’ve successfully finished). Generally higher map level players will see higher level monsters at the same location as a lower map level hunter.

Subspecies don’t really follow this rule, sometimes a lower map level hunter will see higher star subspecies monster than a higher map level hunter


And, whether they receive a high or low-strength monster’s group hunt invitation is dependent on two things:

  1. The player’s Hunter Rank (50 to participate in 8-star non-elder hunts, 100 for 9-star, 150 for 10-star), and
  2. The player who hosted the group hunt and sent the invite.

So, if that friend of yours has reached >=HR50 and someone nearby has hosted 8-star monsters for group hunt, your friend will receive that invite.

Conversely, if others around you happen to host 5/6-star monsters for group hunt, you will of course only receive 5/6-star invites since it depends on who hosted the hunt and the strength of the monster they hosted it at.

The only exception to this rule for now is the Dimensional Link Monsters, whose strengths will match the player’s own highest-unlocked difficulty (up to 8-star for now as 8-star is the highest strength for DL monsters), and you will receive invites (sent automatically by the system) for hunting them when you’re within access range of such a monster.

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Hi, @Raven8687!

Thanks for reaching out regarding the spawn rate of certain monster levels.

We’ve checked this with our team and confirmed that there were no issues with this and that it is working as intended.

If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to reach out again. Thank you for your understanding.