ジンオウガの大連続狩猟だけ動きがカクカクになる/Game lags when hunting Zinogre in Hunt-a-Thon

モバイル端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*


アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*


問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring

毎回/Every time

問題の詳細/Issue Details


その他の情報/Other Information






ご申告いただきましたスマートフォン機種についてお調べしたところ、ご利用中のスマートフォンのCPUが、モンスターハンターNowがサポート対象としているCPU(Snapdragon 855以上)の対象外ということが確認できました。






モバイル端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*

Samsung A34 5G

アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*


問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring

毎回/Every time

問題の詳細/Issue Details

I am not sure if this only happens to me or not. When hunting Zinogre, I notice the following differences in performance:

  1. Hunting in the wild with a party, it is rather normal and smooth, with sometimes when someone (including myself) perform some attack animation, the game will have slight pauses, but overall is still playable. Please note that this is quite general, and is not limited to Zinogre
  2. Hunting in Hunt-a-Thorn with a party, it gets very laggy including performing action such as attacking, swiping and tapping on Lock On button or SP button, and some time, the app becomes unresponsive although I can see the monster and other player moving. This only applies to Zinogre and not other monsters in Hunt-a-Thorn.
    PS: I have always set the Graphics Setting of the game to Low.

その他の情報/Other Information

This is happening every time, even after I kill and restart the app or reset the device. I have also tried clearing data, reinstalling the app and download all all assets before going out to play.

Hi @Lucky8393. I’m sorry to hear that you are experiencing lag issues while hunting Zinogre in Hunt-a-thon.

After investigating the Android smartphone model you reported, we were able to confirm that the CPU of your smartphone is not supported by Monster Hunter Now (Snapdragon 855 or higher).
Therefore, even if you were able to play Monster Hunter Now, it may not function properly.

When a technical issue occurs, we are not able to provide support on the unsupported device, even if you were able to start playing the game on the same device.
To learn more, please visit our Supported Devices article .

Thank you for your understanding.


Thank all for the reply, today I tried 3 hunt-a-thorn with the same device and same zinogre, it seems to be performing quite similar to before I updated the app. Not sure what is wrong though.