Doesn't show full health

携帯端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*

Samsung Galaxy 23 ultra

アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*


問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring

毎回/Every time

問題の詳細/Issue Details

Hi I’ve noticed that it doesn’t show my full health when I look at my stats for that current build. Say if I have health boost at 5, it should show my health at 150 but it says 100. No matter what health boost level I have it always shows at 100. Where as before it would show whatever health boost I had for that specific build. I posted a picture below for you to see. You can clearly see I have my health boost at 5 so it should show 150 but it’s showing as 100

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Thank you for reporting this.
The development team will begin to investigate and fix the issue.

If you notice anything else, please let us know at any time.

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