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Latest (Thunder boost prepare for Deviljo)
問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring
問題の詳細/Issue Details
8 Star Zinogre became un-killable
その他の情報/Other Information
Before the update I was able to solo a 8 Star Zinogre with my 10.2 Legiana Bow with around 3 to 5 attempts. Lucky before the update i was able to manage to level up my Bow to 10.4 hoping a little relief killing Zinogre easily but to my surprise you made the freak un-killable for solo players. It was disgustingly unfair observing the fact that it was not a skill issue but something about the update that you made 8 star zinogre take less damage. I also observed that whenever I reach around 8 to 10th attempt, you make Zinogre normal and easy to kill but of course without the plate rewards. Its just so disgusting you have to make updates like these to boost your revenue from potions and tickets. Im starting to lose interest on this rigged game.