Tracking Rare Monsters Gone?

I noticed we were allowed to track rare monsters with palico like Pink Rathian, and Azure Rath. When I logged back in that feature was gone. What gives?

Its almost like you look to make reaons to toy with us. I don’t recall seeing any announcements about it. Maybe I missed it.

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It is listed on the following page.


They are gone because of the 1st anniversary event, Magnamalo, Aknosom and Rajang are part of the event.

If you go check their event schedule for the event (1st anniversary) you will also notice that coral pukey, pink rathian, azure rath, and other variants are in the anniversary event, which is why they are gone from the tracking unfortunatelly.


Thanks, it was good while it lasted.


Even though the event has ended. It shouldn’t automatically make palico tired. I only hunted 1 track monster.

Event should end after the day is over. This just confuse most players that isn’t paying attention to the date/time.