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The Chinese notice said that the premium plan of season 1 will be onsale after 11/6 07:59, but I cannot found any update and the plan cannot purchase anymore
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It’s already end as you see in notice.
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I think that’s a poor expression of what they’re trying to say. See this post, 日本時間 6/13 9:00 アップデートに関する注意事項 / Information Regarding the June 13 Update (UTC), points 2 and 3 of the “Information regarding the new season” heading.
What they are saying is that “Season 1 Premium Plan was offered at a special rate”, and the sale of the Season 1 Premium Plan will end at 11:59 PM, June 10th, UTC. I believe what they’re trying to say is that the premium plans from Season 2 onward will no longer be at a discount (only Season 1 was at discounted price), so please purchase while you still have the chance if you want the cosmetic items from Season 1 before the sales cease this morning.
They are not actually making further discounts on Season 1 premium plan because it is already at a discount, as an introduction to Seasons (see this post, 3/14 リリース情報/3/14 Release info, “Season Pass Premium Plan is Now Available in the Shop”).
Sad I miss the chance to purchase the premium plan