携帯端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*
iPhone 12 Pro/iOS 17.6.1
アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*
問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring
毎回/Every time
問題の詳細/Issue Details
The issue that I am experiencing is that the new Halloween armour (Jack-o’-Head helmet) is a different colour when I equip it. In the display, it shows that the hat is dark purple. But, when I equip it, it becomes this teal colour? This issue occurs in the ‘Equipment’ page. It occurs on the ‘Hunter’ page. And, my character on the map also has the incorrect colour. Please see the attached images.
その他の情報/Other Information
This issue is not resolved. I’ve tried restarting the app and my device, and the issue still occurs.