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During a fight with a tzi-tzi ya ku using the legiana gunlance with gear set full ice attack the damage I was doing seemed to only be doing base physical dmg and not full elemental damage.
その他の情報/Other Information
Unknown did not try
Gunlance shelling damage is found to be fixed at each grade, and varies according to the Gunlance’s Shell Type, the type of shelling attack you’re doing, and any relevant skills (e.g. Artillery, damage-boosting skills and conditions [not attack power or element values], and additionally Special Boost for Wyvern’s Fire).
So, for example, all Grade 8 Normal Shell Type gunlances will deal the same shelling damage before counting relevant skills. Each shell type deal better damage in different type of shelling attack.
Gunlance’s attack power and elemental values apply to non-shelling and non-explosive hits only.
So this paints a picture of not just using shelling attacks only, but to weave in the non-shelling attacks and especially wyrmstake for realising the gunlance’s potential.
Someone has already taken down a 10* Rathian using a Deviljho Gunlance, so Gunlances work; we just have to figure out how to use it for maximum damage against the different monsters.
So if I understand this correctly since the main attack for the gunlance is shelling using elemental damage at all with the gunlance is pointless?
You can either focus on artillery damage or element if you want to use it like normal lance
No, you want Elemental damage on Gunlance because the Wyrmstake (the stab attack after 2 shelling attacks) does a lot of damage and uses the weapon element. Currently, I am using both Artillery and Elemental Damage boost.
It’s not pointless—it’s complementary.
I didn’t do the math, but based on my limited experience so far and based on the moveset, you cannot do just shelling and get away with it at high difficulty hunts, where the monster HP scale far more than the damage scaling of shelling attacks.
You will have to weave physical attacks in together with shelling attacks anyway, and the weapon’s effective attack power comes into play for the physical attack portion to achieve a higher overall DPS output, on top of the defense-ignoring shelling attacks.
In the video I saw on the deviljho lance vs 10★ Rathian, the player basically PE’d every attack and then responded with the overhead smash combo to either end with Burst Fire (if he had shells left) or Wyrmstake Blast (if he had wyrmstake ammo left) and then PE the next attack. He even got the distance right so that he just PE’d and stood between the two fireballs from Rathian’s triple fireball attack to stake it. Mad precision.
The damage output ratio between the shelling attacks and physical attacks appear matched, so the weapon’s overall power is just as important.
The key is to figure out how to respond to each monster. I tried the same method against Pukei and I spent 5 pots achieving nothing
I can PE with bow but gunlance evasion is just soooo short 
Oh, there’s a guard detection at the beginning of using the wyrmstake as well, so if you can weave that in too, nothing can really stop you except for unblockable attacks.
That only applies to 10* monsters.
Get your bone GunLance to G9, spam Charged Shells only and slaughter 9* monsters with the greatest of ease. No need to do combo gymnastics with Fullburst or stake.
You forgot about the new players who are not at that level yet and are using gunlance.
You don’t need to be high level to play Long GunLance.
Tap hold release. Hold when not confident. Literally that and you will reach 10* naturally with Bone GunLance and minimal potion loss.
It’s easy.