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Samsung Galaxy 23 ultra
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問題の詳細/Issue Details
The small flying monsters like mernos and the other ones do not attack no matter if I move or stand still. They do nothing. The other small monsters that don’t fly do attack so I don’t know if it’s a bug with just the small flying ones or what but I posted a video below. I tried posting a longer video but it wouldn’t let me so hopefully u can see what I’m talking about in this video
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Thank you for your reported.
We’ve checked this with our development team and confirmed it is intended that some small monsters don’t attack.
If you have any other concerns, please feel free to contact us anytime.
Thank you.
Hi @RastaRebel, yes it has been like this since the beginning of the game.
You can use the small ground monsters for testing some hit-related weapon mechanisms (e.g. counter thrust on lance or guardpoint on charge blade), and use the small flying monsters just for practising swings without worrying about the small monster coming after you.
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Oh ok cool thank you that’s a great idea I always wished they had an area we can go to test moves and things like that I wish they had a monster that didn’t die to test combos and moves because it’s hard to remember certain things lol
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I wish there’s such a training dummy too. I absolulely need one for switch axe lol. But until then, we just have to make use of whatever that’s available now.
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