11/9 JST Server Release Information/ サーバーリリース情報

English Follows After Japanese

11/9 サーバーリリース情報





  • Webstoreで購入したアイテムの通知やフレンド招待などの通知が、以前より早くアプリ内に届くようになりました。


  • 特定の条件で、討伐済みのモンスターの狩猟に参加できる場合がある

Server Update Information Nov 9th

Thank you for playing Monster Hunter Now!

This article contains the main release information for server release on 2023/11/9 JST. Please note that not all updates are covered.

  • Notifications for items purchased on the Webstore, as well as Friend referrals and other alerts, are now delivered in the app faster than before.

  • Joining a hunt for a previously slain monster may be possible under specific conditions.