12/12 リリース情報/Release Information(V67)

English Follows After Japanese





  • ギフト機能を追加しました。ショップでギフト用アイテムを購入し、他のハンターに贈ることができます。詳細はこちらをご確認ください。https://niantic.helpshift.com/hc/faq/4372-gift-items/
  • (※2023/12/13 追記)




  • メイン画面でカメラを引いたときに、フィールドに地名が表示されるようになりました。設定で表示の有無を変更できます。












Thank you for playing Monster Hunter Now!

This article contains the main release information for v66 released on 2023/12/12 JST. Please note that not all updates are covered.

Last Update: 2023/12/12

Additional Item Box Expansions are now available. Please check the Expansion tab in the shop.

※The expansion from 5,000 to 10,000 items is only possible with cash purchase.

※The expansion from 10,000 to 20,000 added in this update is only possible by using gems.

  • When zooming out on the Main screen, location names are now displayed in the field. (can be disabled in the Settings).

It has been corrected to spread horizontally, similar to the portrait mode.

It has been adjusted to match the flinch duration of other weapon types.

The final leaping slash attack against Jyuratodus has been adjusted to trigger more easily. (Note: It may not activate when Jyuratodus is burrowing in or out of the ground.)

  • Effective February 1, 2024 (*1), the number of times you can receive a gift when a new user who used your referral code starts playing and reaches Hunter Rank 11 will be changed. (*2)

Before the change: Up to 20 people per account per month

After the change: Up to 20 people per account

(*1)The date is subject to change.

(*2) If you received gifts 20 times or more by January 31, 2024, you won’t be eligible to receive gifts from February 1, 2024, onwards.

  • We plan to modify the feature that allows more than four hunters to participate in hunts for the same paintballed monster by following specific procedures. This is not in line with the intended usage of paintballs, and we aim to update the specification in the near future.

Note: We will not take actions such as account suspension for hunters who have used paintballs this way or participated in these hunts.