Somnacanth Battle Lag

携帯端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*

Galaxy A05s

アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*


問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring

毎回/Every time

問題の詳細/Issue Details

Battle lag vs Somnacanth everytime…Even Radobaan and Banbaro not so lag than this.

その他の情報/Other Information

Tigrex too unfortunately

Thank you for reporting the problem that happened to you.
However, upon checking, it appears that the device you are using is not supported. (Galaxy A05s/ CPU: Snapdragon 680)
So we cannot provide official support, but as a first aid measure, please try clearing the cache and reinstalling the App.
Thank you for your understanding.