モバイル端末情報(必須)/Mobile Device Information(Required)*
Realme x11
アプリのバージョン(必須)/App Version(Required)*
Android 14
問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring
毎回/Every time
問題の詳細/Issue Details
Can’t delete the remaining file. Still using my mobile battery.
画像、動画ファイル添付/Attach screen shots, video files
Hi! May we know what are you trying to achieve?
Do you want to make it so that the game doesn’t use any battery while you’re not playing it?
If yes, please check the following settings:
- System setting: Battery usage for the game. Set it to Restricted so that the battery usage will be restricted when the app is in the background.
- If the game is still using battery, you may consider putting the game into “deep sleep” if that option is available on your OS.
- Last but not least, be sure to close the app from Recent Apps list when you are not playing it. This will ensure that it’s really not running.