Local friend at Huntathon disappears

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Android v14 / Oneplus12R

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問題が発生する頻度/Frequency of the issue occurring


問題の詳細/Issue Details

My local friend and I are physically beside each other when we join a Huntathon. We see each other in the lobby and wait for 2 other hunters to join. Sometimes though, we both disappear from each others lobbies and end up with 3 random hunters. We like to hunt together and want to be able to do the Huntathon together. Sometimes we can, but sometimes this problem occurs.
In the video, you can see me (quickbendelat) and my friend (Raven) at the start. Then Raven disappears and 3 random hunters immediately enter the lobby.

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Hi, it is as designed:

Thanks for sharing the update. That’s a pain that it happens. Surely it’s not as per design but something in the code that either can’t or has not been incorporated to stop that from happening. Why implement a system to be able to hunt with local friends but then turn around and say it’s designed to ignore your local friend?

Well, it’s “as designed” as it is at the moment, but it doesn’t mean it’s a good design or the design we expected.

I think they’re just trying to address the “problem” that when there are 2 people queueing at the same HAT/EDI, both of them can queue at the same time and not have to wait for one person to match up to a remote lobby before the other person can join the queue. This would easily take 10s each time they bump into the same lobby, and depending on the equipment and the difficulty of the node, the survival rate of 2 pax is generally lower than average, assuming they’re both queueing for an on-par HAT/EDI which is meant for 4pax of their strength in the first place.

With 3 or 4 pax in the same local lobby, success rate increases a lot more, again assuming they’re not gunning for above-par nodes.

It’s certainly not exactly designed to let 2-pax teams match up with other remote lobbies at this point, but to let 2-pax lobbies be able to queue for a full lobby at once instead of having to wait for each other.

Before this change, I had to wait for 2 other local nearby players to queue for a 9★ Magna HAT, which I know just the 3 of us would not cut it. We spent a good 5 minute joining the lobby to see if it’s empty, “oops”, back out, wait 10s, join again, “opps”, back out, yada yada, and later see each other again in the subsequent rooms, repeat the process, yada yada, and finally finished the HAT over 10 minutes. It’s a pain. And I was standing in the rain holding an umbrella and trying to fight Magna on the first weekend it was out.

It was a pain.

At least now the pain is lesser. Not ideal, not the design we want, but it does address the pain.

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Thanks for the added context of what you experienced. I agree it’s better than before.
I am going to guess that the devs are using an agile methodology and developing and releasing features in sprint cycles. Getting the current functionality released was part of a previous cycle.
I really hope they have a backlog or in development ticket that addresses this issue and we will see it released at some point soon.

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