I also posted a Thread on Twitter/X already and got forwarded to this forum
Since the update for the dimensional links every dimensional link monster is 6*
I got 8* star unlocked for a while now (see screenshot) and never encountered a dimensional link other than 6*
According to the answer on Twitter/X the dimensional links monster difficulty is supposed to be random.
So this might be a bug that is occuring since I never got anything other than the 6* dimensional links.
Hope this information helps and that I might encounter something higher in links soon
Best regards
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Current Season Story is on Ch 10. Havent cleared yet.
If thats the case that you have to clear the season story first to get dimensional links above 6* would be pretty weird because on the original story line I cleared the story several times and already unlocked 8* in general. Difficulty of dimensional links should be the same requirements as for open world monster.
And it would be good to have a clear requirement posted for this. In the FAQ to dimensional links is stated that the “difficulty varies on current story/season story state”
That doesnt say anything at all.