App doesnt go passt the kushala starting screen

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問題の詳細/Issue Details

Since today, the app does not start and seams to froze in the loadscreen kushala…

Yesterday evening everything was fine.
I tried restart, reinstall, nothing works
Please fix it.

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It took the app 15 min in this screen to go further…

Issue can be closed. But maybe other face the same issue.

I’m sorry to hear that you are experiencing freezes when joining Elder Dragon Interception.

After investigating the Android smartphone model you reported, we were able to confirm that the CPU of your smartphone is not supported by Monster Hunter Now (Snapdragon 855 or higher).
Therefore, even if you were able to play Monster Hunter Now, it may not function properly.

When a technical issue occurs, we are not able to provide support on the unsupported device, even if you were able to start playing the game on the same device.
To learn more, please visit our Supported Devices article .

Thank you for your understanding.


Thos is not in loadscreen of interception. It is it the app start loading screen.

This was working yesterday fine.
So this can not be an exuse of my device.
It happen again with every start.
So i have to wait 15min each start?

If this is the support you can give then i have to say sory unaceptable.

I had fun with this game so dar, but not expect ppl buy new Devices to play a game