Anyone else running into Dimensional Link Join issue?
You might want to describe the details of the “issue”.
What happened?
What did you try to do?
What did you try to resolve it but still didn’t work?
Hi, @HatterDMad!
We’re sorry that you’re experiencing trouble with the Dimensional Link.
We’d like to look into this, so could you please provide more information on what you’re experiencing on your end?
Moreover, please provide us with a video showing what happens when trying to join a Dimensional Link hunt.
We’ll further investigate this once we receive a response.
Thank you!
The “join” button is not showing. It was doing it again this morning. I entered and exited multiple times before it would show.
Heres video. It took several attempts to get it to show. Before it wasn’t showing at all. I had to restart the game.
I’m not having this issue in v82.0. Was able to receive the Join Hunt! notifications from DL monster as per normal just a few hours ago when I passed by some.
Alternatively, for OP, you can just start the hunt by tapping the monster without waiting for the Join Hunt! notification. They’re functionally the same, but you don’t have to wait for the Join Hunt! notification to appear since it will only appear for DL monsters when they are within your access range, which means you can just tap it straight.