Hi everyone!
I have a doubt that, and maybe this is not the correct place, but didn’t wanted to open a bug report!
I’m HR150+ and I have 8* unlocked, I did however lower the story mode to 7* before the updates and I still didn’t finished…
I saw that 8* are unlocked in Dimensional Link on the 1st of August, however, it’s been a week and I still haven’t seen any 8* or 7* monster in there… All of them are 6*.
Has anyone seen 7*? Or 8* in the dimensional link? Does anyone know if this is intended?
I mean…killing 6* it’s good for materials, but ofc what a really needed are those 8* items…
We appreciate you reaching out about the difficulty level of the spawned monsters in the Dimensional Link feature. We can confirm that this is intended behavior.
Moreover, the team is considering updating the FAQs for further details on how to unlock higher monster levels.
Hope that clears things up. Feel free to share more suggestions/ideas on this feature!
Thanks for the reply, but the FAQ is not completely clear could you clarify a couple of questions please?
I have 8* monsters on the field, however, I lowered the story mode difficulty a couple of months ago, I am currently on chapter 12 of 7* story mode. Are the 7* not available in the dimensional rift because of this? Even if I have 8* field monster unlocked already?
Also, do 8* only unlock AFTER you finish all of 8* story mode? Because once you finish 7* story, you unlock 8* field monsters, it would make sense that you unlock 8* field and online runs, no?
Just to confirm one thing, have you completed the Season 2 story quest at *8?
It seems that if you don’t meet that requirement, the *8 monster will not appear in Dimension Link.
Personally, I have completed the preseason story and the main story one time. I’m halfway through completing the story for the second time. So the Urgent Quest monsters I’m currently battling in the story are 7★.
The only 8★ monsters I see in the field are dimensional link ones. Every dimensional link battle for me is 8★, and every other monster I find is 7★ or lower.
So I’m in a similar place as you in the story, but I haven’t lowered my difficulty in the settings (because it sounded like it was irreversible). But it doesn’t make sense to me that you would only be seeing 6★ dimensional link monsters (two stars lower than me instead of only one star), but I didn’t make the game, I just play it.
You need to complete the current Season Story in order to unlock the 8-star Dimensional Link monsters, otherwise you will only see 6-star DL monsters after you have completed the pre-season story and before you completed the current Season Story.
It doesn’t matter what your highest unlocked difficulty is, because DL hunt difficulty was never about the highest unlocked difficulty.
Many people appear to not realise that Season 2 Story is not the same as Season 1 Story as they are counted separately. Please help spread the word among your respective local communities or groups of friends about this, no matter how laid back they are.
I normally don’t rush the story because all it does is unlock highest level ranking and I’m not ready for 9* monsters! And I even lowered the difficulty a couple of months back because I was stuck on one of the 8* story monsters… And I could at start over and get some materials from the lowe lvl missions.
I’ll try to rush the story I’m on and see if I unlock 8* DL!
Out of curiosity, does 7* not exist in the DL? You pass from 6* to 8*?
Got it! I’m about to finish the festival story, that I’m guessing is from Mizutsune.
I’ll try to rush and see if I can finish it… need those wyvern shards!
Thanks everyone!
What is the current season 2 story? From what I understand, there’s a prologue story, preseason story, and main story, the latter of which repeats at a higher difficulty each time. Everyone is talking about the current story as if it changes periodically.
Are y’all talking about some story that appears in the Special tab? AKA the water element quests that are currently going on for a few more days? I haven’t completed that yet but I still find 8★ dimensional link monsters. So whatever this story requirement is, I must have completed it already.
The main story that got introduced when season 2 started.
Put it simply, the repeatable main story quest.
But you can’t generalized that cos season 3 will come out with a new main story and will replace the current season 2 as repeatable and people get confused.
Ok, I’ve finished the story about the festival and I’m now on chapter 1 of the “new” story.
It’s called:
undergo hunters boot camp training
Let’s see if they are finally unlocked those 8* (I’ll update you)
Edit: yes, I finally unlocked those 8* DL!
So, the mission you have to finish is the “new” mission introduced. It was about the “helping the festival go smooth” or something like that.
In the end you kill a zinogre and you’re booted to the “normal” missions that you can repeat over and over