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Upgrading the Bone Cannon does not increase the dealt damage. I upgraded the weapon to Grade 10, Lvl 4 and it still only deals 1054 damage with standard attacks and 2522 damage with loaded attacks, like the previous levels before.
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This is how Gunlance works. Shelling damage only changes when there is an Overgrade (i.e. Grade 1 to Grade 2, Grade 2 to Grade 3. In other words, all the x.1 grades). Upgrading within the grade itself (e.g. x.2 to x.5) does nothing for shelling damage.
All gunlances deal the same amount of shelling damage regardless of the individual stats. The only stat that matter is the Shelling Type, which changes the damage for different types of shelling.
Thank you for the explanation.
Maybe I am mistaken but i dont find a hint in the hunters guide. For me it was frustrating to put much resources (especially gems) into this weapon to only notice too late that the base damage did not really change.
Yeah, unfortunately not everything is explained in the hunter’s guide. Most of the “hidden” mechanisms are explored and discovered by the community and shared on various community sites, such as this forum, reddit, various Discord servers, and so on.
Please do ask questions on this forum (such as in the 情報交換/Connect with fellow Hunters category) or on a social channel that you’re familiar with (such as your local or regional social groups) if you have doubts or feel uncertain about a weapon, skill, or monster, so that your fellow hunters can help you before you commit limited resources into it.
For Gunlance, if you’re mainly using just the shelling attacks, you can stop at 10.1. This mainly applies to Wide and Long type gunlances.
But if you’re going to use it for physical attacks (the swings and stabs and the wyrmstake cannon), especially when you’re using the Normal Shell Type gunlances, since the swings and chops are all part of the combo, you then should push it to 10.5. Long type gunlances can play like Normal type gunlances too. In fact, in the early days of the release of Gunlance, one player defeated a 10-star Rathian with 10.5 Deviljho Gunlance without doing charged shelling once. He played it like Normal type gunlance, doing full bursts and the perfect-evasion chops and like 1 or 2 wyrmstakes.